The Edge of Theocracy – Christmas Special

Porta dos Fundos’ seventh Christmas Special was launched with a bang, satirizing the Brazilian political landscape and making relevant statements against hatred and censorship

The Edge of Theocracy  – Christmas Special

The Challenge


In 2019, a production company was the target of a terrorist attack. The reason? The Christmas Special film – Christ’s First Temptation, released that year, raised important questions about censorship and freedom of speech.  Accompanied by the attack, lawsuits called for the movie to be removed from the Netflix platform, exceeded US$ 174 million.

The 2020 movie would need to overcome hatred and promote freedom of choice, anticipating the backlash and probable new legal actions. And all o that being filmed during a global pandemic, which meant following strict protocols of social distancing.



The Solution 


We would find in its own essence the solution to transform the 2020 Christmas Special into the largest one ever produced by the group. In addition to the theme, which needed to be culturally relevant, the campaign would need to be provocative. The Edge of Theocracy (a play on Petra Costa’s Oscar-nominated documentary, The Edge of Democracy) is a mocumentary that satirizes the Brazilian political landscape, drawing a parallel with events that occurred in the times of Christ.

Anticipating the censorship, action against the movie, we launched the campaign Jesus Is Coming – #DontWatchit, inviting people to exercise their democratic rights of choosing not to watch the premiere – which would happen on December, 10th of that year.


The Results 


The Edge of Theocracy had over 1,800 articles published in the national and international press, a gain of almost R $ 30,000,000.00 in earn media. Which a positive reception rate reached 93% it reached a total of 301 million people and a total of 1.3 billion impressions online.